Donations needed Daily

This is a list of material possessions homeless people need to survive & a basic list that Exit 0 uses regularly.
I will mention this, though. Sure, giving away your hand-me-downs is easy. These things you were not using or were going to throw away anyways can be used by homeless people. But know that looking like a homeless person wearing someones discarded items has a negative psychological effect on homeless people that can worsen and extend their homeless experience. Critical to a homeless person’s recovery from homelessness is a feeling of worth, and dignity. Being able to wear decent clothing, being able to not look like a homeless person, provides many benefits for homeless people.
- Coats & Hoodies (Adult Size) – with hoods is a bonus. Hoods help keep the wind and rain off, and the warmth in.
- Socks – Homeless people go through socks fast. Homelessness is tough on feet, and keeping feet healthy is difficult in the homeless environment.
- Sleeping bags & Blankets – especially for the homeless who won’t or can’t get into a shelter. Still, some shelters have little in the way of blankets and so the homeless are allowed to use their own as well.
- Backpacks – they wear out fast with daily use.
- Toiletries – toothpaste and toothbrush, deodorant, comb or brush, fingernail clippers, soap, shampoo, razors, shaving cream, tissues, aspirin, lotion, chapstick, etc ( Travel size )
- Knit Caps – in natural colors please. Sure, a florescent pink cap with fuzzy knobs may look cute on a coed, but not on your average homeless guy.
- Tents & Tarps – more and more homeless people are sleeping outside, and good inexpensive tents can be found, if you don’t already have one you don’t use. Walmart usually has a good selection at a good price we prefer 2-4 man.
- Rain Ponchos – They work better than umbrellas because they can cover a backpack and other carried things. It may be tempting to buy and pass out cheap ponchos, but know that the will be worn often in rainy snowy climates and the cheaper stuff will wear out and tear after only a few uses.
- Bus Passes – or bus tokens are easy to get from your local transit authority.
- Flashlights – This allows them to read at night and just give them light.
Other Common items we use are:
Hats & Gloves (Adult Size)
Sleeping mats
Hand warmers
Toilet Paper
Flashlights or Headlamps or hand crank
Propane camping stoves & Propane tanks Large and small
Insect Repellent
Batteries all sizes
First Aid Kits and Supplies
Battery Powered (Small) Alarm Clocks
Camping/Backpacking “Mess” Kits
Thermals Sizes XL up to XXXXL
New Boots & Shoes 9.5 to 13
Food Items:
# 10 cans ( Veggies or deserts )
Frozen Meat
Plastic Forks & Spoons
Cups Cold & Hot
Drink Mix
Hot Chocolate
Ramen Noodles or Pasta
Snacks ( Anything that will fit in a Gallon size bag )
Gift Cards for CVS – Meijers – Walmart – GFS – Kroger & Gas Cards