Street Outreach Team
What is The Street Outreach Team & What do they Do?

Our Street Outreach team is a vital Service that we offer at Exit 0 as they deliver meals, supplies, resources along with doing welfare checks during extreme weather & bringing Prayer into the camps in the Kentuckiana area. We build relationships on the first day of meeting a new client on the streets or in a camp & Our team is prepared to respond to supply any clients with the basic needs to get them thru the night or the resources to get them off the streets. Grace was purchased in 2015 and is able to carry much more equipment than Hope is able to and has multiple uses & carries the following supplies
1 Computer, 1 Router able to connect up to 32 wireless laptops, Basic First aid Bag, Advanced First aid Bag, AED, Doses of Narcan, Basic Hygiene supplies, Socks, Bibles, Snacks, Protein items, Reader glasses, Batteries, Tents, Sleeping Bags, Blankets, Tarps, Rope, Ramen noodles, Dog Food, Cat Food, Bottle Water, Candles, Sterno, Bike Tubes & So much more …