Kentuckiana braces for extreme heat, Operation White Flag goes into effect in Louisville

WHAS 11 Louisville – Meanwhile, outreach groups in Southern Indiana are taking extra cases of water and essential items to encampments as the temperatures rise. The Jeffersonville-based group called Jesus Cares at Exit 0 invited folks to West Maple Baptist Church on Monday, with doors opened as a cooling station with water on site.
Outreach group Director Paul Stensrud said the center was open from 11:15 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday. He said they could stay open more days this week as the heat persists, but they’ll decide that on a day-by-day basis.
“What we’re trying to encourage is the folks who are unsheltered, or maybe someone in our community who just needs to get out of the heat, they’re more than welcome to come down here to the church,” Stensrud said. “It’s a place you can sit, cool off, get a nice cold bottle of water and just have some good fellowship while you’re here.”
Jesus Cares at Exit 0 said while the weather increases need, donations have been running lower because of inflation. They’re asking for assistance where possible, as groups and families do what they can to beat the heat.